Never underestimate the power of love. 
You have a saying to never say never, but when it comes to love, there
are no rules.  Rules are human
things.  Love is of the spirit.  You are human and spirit, but so many do not
realize this.  And so, you need your
rules.  Love knows no bounds.  It flows with, through, into, and as all that
is.  It is those who are blinded to this
Truth who act irrationally.  They are
held in darkness by their ignorance of the love that they are.  How can this be, if that Power is them?  It is all a play of the mind—a mental
blindfold that can be removed in a moment of illumination so blinding it could
bring you to your knees. 


Drop to your knees, why don’t you, and pray to know your true self as
Love.  In the meantime, harness the fullness
of love that you know now and send it to those around you.  As you do so, never forget who you are.  There is never a moment that you are not