Forever is a
long time in a world where time exists. 
You use time as a marker, a convenience. 
How else would you know when to get up and come and go?  Do you see the silliness?  What if there were no time?  What if you simply existed?  What if you simply experienced each
moment?  Would you not enjoy each moment
more?  You would not be thinking about
what came next.  You would not be
planning or worrying.  You would simply
be.  “But that is not practical in this
world!”  And you are correct.  But it is practical in the other world in
which you as spirit walk now—yes, this very moment.  Now.

You wish to
experience this?  Shift your focus and
simply be there.  Sit quietly, close your
eyes.  Shut out the world of time and
slip into the world of now.  Be here
now.  And now we say, welcome home. 

Do you feel
the peace?  It is always here, but first
you must take the time to go to this place of no-time.