When one expresses a different opinion than your own, one way of reacting is to get your back up, as you say it … to put up your defenses.  Do you know what this does?  It backs up the other’s sense of separation and reinforces your own.  What if you take down that wall?  What if you see that other as a being of light just as you are, feeling your way through all possibilities … yes, all possible opinions and situations.  This situation is an opportunity to erase the arbitrary barriers and throw a net around all present.  See yourselves engaged in a dance in which all cannot possibly share the same viewpoint.  With this awareness there is greater flow, greater acceptance, and less resistance.  This creates an opening for those with more fixed attitudes to feel greater possibilities and melt a bit into the flow instead of remaining barricaded behind a self-imposed wall. 

You are all so very loved.
