A new year … a new decade.  It seems rather momentous.  A chance for a new start.  Freshness is in the air along with hope and a tinge of excitement.  You are presented with new opportunities, a clean canvas, a blank slate.  What will you create?  You are here for the evolution of the soul.  This does not mean anything is wrong with you.  You are a beautiful light, a self-luminous star, a reflection of the One Light that lights the world.  Evolution is simply creating something even more beautiful than that which has already been created, beautiful soul.  Seize this moment, this new beginning of a new decade, of a new year, of a new day, of a new hour, of a new minute, of a new second, of a new flash of the Light.  “And do what?” you ask.  Just BE in that pause between flashes and listen.  Sense.  Know.  Let the “doing” follow the flash of “being” and you will be led step by step, moment by moment to the beauty.  You are so very loved.  It can be no other way.