If you were to dissolve all ideas of self before making any decisions, you would make far wiser choices.  What is the self but a finite idea that has arisen from an infinite mind.  Dissolve into infinity.  Get out of the limited box you have placed around you in the form of patterns of belief and yes, even the body, and simply be.  Most do not know how to do this, for you are all so used to thinking, thinking, thinking and believing what the senses tell you.  Your senses tell you the sun revolves around the earth, do they not?  Need we say more?  Thinking has its place and serves a great purpose when fully immersed in your human role, but those who are fully immersed in the human roles are the ones who so oft go astray.  Seek balance, dear friend.  Find that integrated state between human being and being the light, and see how your life flows.  This is transformation.  You are so very loved.