Why do you choose role
models?  Because the imagination has not
received enough practice.  If you were
better versed at imagining, you would create in your mind the perfect you.  What would that look like?  Depending on how awakened your soul is, the
image would vary.  Perhaps it is garbed
in fancy clothes with many jewels, surrounded by admirers of the opposite sex
and living in a luxurious abode.  You have
plenty of role models for this.  Perhaps your
image would merely wear a robe and live in a humble abode, but this image would
exude loving kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and peace.  Such role models are not as frequently found,
but in heaven they abound.

Be that which you
seek.  Act the role of your greatest role
model, real or imagined, and soon others will be looking to you to serve as
their guide.  When true love you radiate,
from others’ gaze you cannot hide.