The school of mastery–that is where you find yourself.  Mastery of a job?  Mastery of a task?  Not at all.  None of that matters at all in the end game.  Mastery of your emotions, my friends.  That is the challenge you agreed to take on.  How volatile are you?  How reactive?  Every response is a choice.  You have been gifted with a brain in which the part that controls thinking is separate from the part that controls emotion.  Did you know this?  This is what we have been telling you now for quite a while.  You CHOOSE how you react and what you think.  Therefore, how you FEEL from moment to moment is your choice as well.  How can the soul grow in being more loving if you do not gain mastery over your thoughts?  One step a a time is how.  One thought at a time.  If you choose to.