Miracles are all around
you when you have eyes to see and ears to hear. 
Miracles big and small are signs of the interaction of two worlds, two
realities.  When you have faith, or better
yet the knowingness that other dimension exist beyond your own, miracles become
the norm.  Still, you celebrate them as
we do also to see that you are paying attention. 

Pay attention.  The signs are all around you.  A miracle is not magic, but a mirror of the
state of awareness in which you find yourself. 
Ask to behold miracles in your life and they will become the norm – a reflection
of the openness of your mind and spirit.

Note from Suzanne:  One of
several “miracles” occurred yesterday as I enjoyed a sacred moment on the shores
of Lake Louise, allegedly an area of
great resonance with the vibration of Archangel Michael. I heard a voice that
said, “Look up.”  I snapped the photo
you see here as my tears flowed from the overwhelming love that suddenly filled
my heart.  May you experience miracles
today and every day …