You have heard this life referred to as a dream.  We will not go into that too much for now, for there are so many of you who will want to analyze this and reject the concept.  We wish, for now, to bring to mind lucid dreaming.  In this lucid state you are somewhat awake.  You become aware of the difference between what you are experiencing in this lucid dream state and what you experience when you as the human are what you consider fully awake.  You become aware that you can somewhat manipulate this lucid dream, and so you do.  To a point.  You do not have total control in your lucid dream, but now it no longer controls you.  Remember this phrase, please.

That is the dream state from the human viewpoint:  fully awake vs. lucid dreaming.  Now take it up a level.  Instead of viewing from the human’s viewpoint, you are viewing as a soul.  You are now lucid dreaming the human dream.  You know what it feels like to be fully awake as a soul, and you know you will go back to that state eventually, but for now you are lucid dreaming, and the lucid dream has you walking about in a human costume.  Oh, my goodness, what a nightmare that can be!  But now that you realize you are dreaming that you are a human, you, the soul, can take more of an active role.  You realize that you cannot completely control this lucid dream, but it need no longer be a nightmare.  You can run the show to the best of your ability and at the very least bring your true nature into it, which is love.  And so, the dream will continue because it is somewhat enjoyable now that you, the soul, are aware.  And now that you are controlling the dream, you make it a love-filled dream.  It no longer controls you.

Please go back and re-read our message today.  Understand the shift in levels from human who is lucid dreaming to soul who is lucid dreaming.  See if that doesn’t change how you view your so-called life for now.  As you find yourself analyzing and balking, simply stop.  The heart knows what you need to know, and sooner or later the head will catch up.