You say we have been getting a bit deep lately.  Do you wish to remain on the surface … shallow?  Dive in!  Go well past dipping a toe in the water.  Tread far past wading.  Be not afraid.  In the depths is where you find peace, contentment, joy, and all of the other attributes of the soul.  Yes, of course, they are omnipresent, but so many of you have buried your awareness of the soul that you spend your time bobbing on the surface.  It gets a bit tumultuous there, don’t you agree?  Dive in!  Find the peace that lies within.  It is not outside of you, nor is love, which is what all humans seek, when it has always been within.  Why do you seek love?  For love is the connection to your soul.  Seek no more.  Go deep.  Love deeply.  Feel deeply.  Live deeply and fully.