Oneness.  You hear the term often, and you look about you and see nothing but separation.  Close your eyes.  Do not look.  Know.  And the moment we say “know,” the human side wants to go to the head, for you equate knowing with thinking.  For now, please equate knowing with being.  This is how the soul knows.  And now, as you set the intention of knowing oneness, know your oneness not with others, but with creation, with Source.  You are getting closer now, yet still, images are coming into your mind.  Now, rise above human emotions and feeling and know divine love.  If you feel something akin to a warm blanket descending upon and around you, the warmth seeping into every cell of your BE-ing, then you are beginning to get a sense of oneness with that which created you as a soul in the first place.  Breathe in this Love that breathes you.  Do you remember now?  Do you feel a stirring, a ripple of contentment?  Oneness with Love is the goal of remembering.  Little by little you flow backwards from fragmentation to alignment.  Ahhhhh.  Oneness.  Leave the shards behind and know yourself as a pure reflection of Love.