Self-love. It is such a powerful tool. “A tool?” you ask, and we emphasize it is so. You wish to know how to feel contentment, how to stop rushing about doing, doing, doing, how to cease cravings and ravings of any kind? Self-love will do it. What is it most are seeking when they do, and go, and buy, and act in any way to excess? Love, dear one. May you come to know that you are loved eternally simply for being. You need do nothing to earn love. You are already whole and complete. Perhaps your human story is not unfolding the way you were told in some fairytale. This matters not. With or without your story, you are a shining light more brilliant than you realize. The body cannot hold your luminosity. Could you behold it now with your physical eyes it would blind you. If you find this hard to believe or accept, why, that is a good place to begin as you question how your own beliefs and thoughts are holding you back from being the very presence of Love.
Truly, you are so very loved already. Rest in this awareness.
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