Where do you think the desire to lash out comes from? The body is hardwired to protect itself from a danger. Could it be that in the past you faced an actual danger to your safety or survival and now you continue to protect yourself out of fear of a repetition? The body is on hyper-alert. The trauma is in the aura as are all experiences good and bad. Acknowledge your wholeness and the fullness of life with its ups and downs. Know that you are the Light of Awareness at your deepest level and that you came here for the fullness of experience. To continue to protect yourself in each moment causes tension and a lack of flow. What if you know you will respond appropriately moment by moment? That is flow. What if, in the face of an actual threat, big or small, the body responds appropriately and then the soul awareness takes over? This is a more awakened response. Set the intention to let down your guard and to flow, knowing you live and breathe as a team with Higher Consciousness. In the past you may have lashed out inappropriately. Now you can relax and respond appropriately moment by moment knowing you are not only human.
You are so very loved.
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