You sense something different in the air.  Perhaps you shiver, but not from fright.  Perhaps you grow a bit light-headed.  Perhaps you have a sense of presence.  Honor that.  Work with it.  Slide into a knowing vs. a thinking state.  What are you sensing?  “Who’s here?” you might ask.  “Is it who I feel it is?  Give me a sign, please.  I welcome you.  I love you.”  And in this way, you have served Spirit—honoring the fact that there is more to this world than what your physical senses show you, but the physical senses are often the first sign.

When someone comes a’ knockin’, you answer the door.  Even if a bit frightened, at the very least you peer through the peep hole to discern who is there rather than ignoring their efforts.  And once you see that they have not come to frighten you but to deliver a very important message, you will be glad you answered.

Note from Suzanne:  A had a wonderful highly evidential “drop-in” yesterday … twice … that left me and the loved one’s family reeling.  So grateful to share the message:  This is real!  Your loved ones are doing their very best to let you know “I am here!”