macro-1209271_640You do not replace one love with another.  You love.  That is all there is to it.  The soul is born of the limitless well of Love.  That love pours through the soul and out into physical manifestation as you.  You feel love as attraction, as connection, as resonance.  Because each human expression of this Love carries a different frequency, there are varying and limitless ways Love is felt at the human level.  And so, charge your wording.  You do not love another “more” or “less.”  You may like their personality, their looks, their character more or less, but love?  You love at a soul level the same, for you are Love.

If a loved one goes out of your physical life, of course you can and will love again, for that very reason:  you are Love.  Different vibrations at the human level may cause this connection to feel different, but love is love is love is love is love.  So, get on with the loving.  Cast off the fear, the guilt, the jealousy about loving another more or less, and just do what you came here to do, Love.