Connection. The more you are aware of this between you and all things, all people, the more peace, joy, and love you will experience in your life.
Separation. The more you see this as the truth of your existence , the more isolation and desolation you will feel.
Perspective is all-important. Looking at the surface, you cannot help but see separation, but that is learned behavior. You have grown accustomed to seeing with your physical eyes only and believing what you see. Look beneath the surface. May your physical eyes, if you must use them, become microscopes. Peer deeper, deeper, deeper … Aha! What just happened? To do this, you had to switch eyes. You used the eyes of imagination, thus switching to the inner eye. If you did not have this inner eye, you could not have visualized anything but blackness, yet you saw something, did you not? There is more to life than what you behold before you. Go within and intuit your soul’s innate connection with all that is, and know that where there is connection, there is love, for love is lack of separation. You are not alone. You never have been. You are This … Love.
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