You are preparing for a storm.  What do you do?  You place heavy boards over large windows.  You pick up objects which could fly about.  All of these are protective measures.  Do you not see that often you do prepare yourself in the same way in your mind for coming storms?  You close the shutters around yourself, thus closing yourself off from interaction with others.  No love can get in or out.  You have left nothing lying around your “yard,” so completely insulated are you by this perceived threat. 
So, another may rant and howl.  What is the best reaction?  To howl back, to shutter yourself inside, or to radiate such a brilliant light that it quells the storm?  You know the answer.  Open wide your shutters and let your love shine.  Always light will overcome darkness.  Simply remain calm, trusting completely in the Light, and you will be guided safely along your path.