Note from Suzanne: While hiking in the Adirondacks this week I took this photo of this amazing sight. (If the photo speaks to you, please share the link from this page with your friends). At the time, I tried to put into words in my mind what the scene meant to me, then I stopped, wanting to hear what Sanaya had to say about it instead. In meditation I asked for Sanaya’s thoughts on this scene. Here is what she said (prompting me to post the second photo which Ty took in the entry below this one.)

Here you have a fine example of the mineral kingdom and the plant kingdom coexisting in perfect harmony—both thriving in their individual environments. It is as if the one embraces the other in spite of their differences. Why cannot human beings coexist with such harmony in spite of their perceived differences? The tree does not push the rock aside, but embraces it. Can you not embrace those around you who seem to get in your way?

“Between a rock and a hard place” is a situation you oft describe. How do you handle such situations? Do you respond with flexibility, like the roots of this wise old tree, or by using might and power? Be as the tree. Embrace your obstacles. Embrace all of life for the lessons inherent in the obstacles.

As above, so below … from the mineral kingdom, to the plant kingdom, to the animal kingdom, to the human beings, and beyond to the world of no-form, all con-form with the Law of Love, for love is the glue that binds all things. Only when one resists this Law and fights against it does one create disharmony. Do not resist your obstacles. Embrace them. Using this lesson from nature, conform with your very nature, which is love.

The photograph did not capture an anomaly, but a truth of nature. These beautiful truths are oft obscured by layers of “dirt,” but once washed away, the harmonious nature of Life is clearly seen. Wipe away the dirt from your human eyes and see with the eyes of Spirit. Then you will see naught but love.

(Scroll down for another photo for perspective, then look again at the first picture. This is no small rock!)