Sacred-Womb-IIThe baby in the womb forms a bond that is unbreakable. You share a connection with the mother based on the entanglement of energies shared during the formation of your very being. How could it be otherwise? Challenges you may face or have faced with your mother are the result of human behaviors, but energy cannot be anything other than what it is: entangled with love as its very essence. Is it any wonder that the mother-child bond and related emotions are so powerful?

Now we wish to tell you that as a soul you are a child of God, born of Spirit. You can see your Source as Father or Mother or exactly what it is: Pure Divine Love. You were created and formed in the womb of Love, entangled with that holy vibration for eternity. How could you be anything other than that? Any discord you experience as a human is simply the result of human interaction, but what has divinity as its essences is always divine.

What is born of love cannot be separated from that. Remember this when you are feeling separated or sad. These are human feelings. Feel them and know that they are temporary states, and then return in your mind to the womb … the womb of the mother, the womb of creation, where eternally you are safe and loved.