If only you could remember to breathe.

When you are stuck in old patterns of thinking and doing automatically, you are not present.  When you are not present, you are either living in the past or in the future in the mind.  Fear, guilt, worry … anything but peace.  Whirr, whirr goes the mind, and the breath is far from flowing.  It is shallow and infrequent or rapid rather than deep and slow.

If only you could remember to breathe.

The next time you are about to give in to lower vibrations, to give in to addictions, to give in … pause for a moment and breathe in slowly, deeply, and deliberately.  Focus on that breath.  Feel the shift.  How does it feel?  It feels completely different from thinking.  Do it again.  Now do it again, paying attention to the shift in how you feel from moments before.  Do you still have the same cravings?  The same fears, the same anger?  No, because now you are present.  Now you are focused on one thing.  You are pulling in and connecting with the Life Force.

If only you could remember to breathe.