You are at the tip of the triangle, those of you who care enough about
Love and loving your fellow man to study it, to breathe it, and to be
Love.  So many are consumed with day to
day activities and selfish concerns. 
Slumbering are they, but do not judge them.  There is no right or wrong, simply varying
stages of awakening.  No, please do not
judge them.  Simply use what you have found
upon awakening more and more to help others awaken.  Do so overtly or covertly as you are guided,
not forcing your love upon others, but merely serving … serving as an example
of the power of Love.  Yes, it is lonely
at the top … at the top of the triangle of Self-realization, and at times a
long and difficult climb, but is the view not far better from here?  From here you see how many still slumber, how
many so need your love and compassion, but how much brighter is the Light the
higher you climb.