Relentless.  That is what the mind is.  It does not want to give up.  It continues to provide you with distractions, ways of seeing the world, and things to think about.  “Be quiet!” you insist, and the mind laughs back.  It is only doing its job.  Without it, you would perhaps think you did not exist.  Without it, what would you be?  Ah, and that is the point.  Without the mind, you would simple be.  Without the mind you are pure awareness.  You continue to exist and you are aware, but without the labels and beliefs that you believe constitute the real you. 

The real you is beyond the body, most certainly, but it is also beyond the mind.  It is beyond even the spirit, if you give that spirit form in your mind and if you use words to define it.  The real you cannot be defined, for that brings mind back into the midst.  It can only be experienced.  The real you simply is.  Be still and get to know the real you.  All else flows from this place of pure love.  Here there is no fear, no pain.  Here you are love.  Here you are peace.  Here You are.