clapping handsGive credit where it is due, and greater blessings will come to you.

“I did this and I did that,” you say and so it may seem. But who are you? If you are willing to examine yourself closely and ask, “Who am I?” with the intention of getting to know the Real you, you will see that the credit for “you” belongs not to you. Who or what is it that breathes you? Can you take credit for that? From where do your thoughts arise? “Why, from me!” you say with a bit of indignation, and we ask you to point to this “me.” You will most likely point to the body, and we ask again, who or what breathes that body? What beats the heart? Is the brain the originator of the thoughts? If you think so, then it is understandable why you take credit for the gifts you believe you produce.

Give credit where it is due—not to the brain, the heart, the lungs, and not to the false sense you call “me.” That is not the Real you. The Real you is one with All That Is, and in Oneness there is no “me.” So what, we ask you, is left? The answer is yours to discover, and when you do, the true blessings you will uncover.