Memories of bygone days … you focus on these, remembering better times … happier times when you were younger in years, more youthful in your thoughts, with a body that moved more gracefully. What is the matter with now? Nothing at all. You have created this “now.” It is all part of the great adventure of your life. You are playing a role for now. In this role you inhabit a body that ages. It has no choice but to do so. But within that body, you are pure consciousness, creating new experiences in every moment. Are they worse than those you had in the past or better? What difference? All you have is this very moment. What will you do with it? That, my friend, is what makes this an adventure—not what you did in the past, not what you will do at some unforeseen time, but how you live right here and now, for here you are, and isn’t that grand?

You exist. You are. You think. You create, and you go on creating. So go on. Get on with it. What will you create today? Love and peace? Jolly good. Then, you are beginning to understand.