“Easy does it.”  That is the
phrase of the day.  How often do you make
things harder than they must be?  You
base your thoughts and actions on past behaviors and beliefs, even if these are
outdated or no longer serve you.  Perhaps
they have never served you, yet you continue to apply them as rules and
obstinate behaviors which only serve to bring you into conflict with others,
most especially those closest to you. 

“Easy does it”—an attitude and an application that will serve you
well.  Have a look at when you have been
inflexible and bend a bit.  And while
you’re at it, be easy on yourself.  Laugh
at the part of you that was so inflexible that you could not even see.  We love you so and are infinitely patient as
we all grow together.  (Does this
surprise you that those in spirit continue to grow as well?  Each aspect of The One that grows, does help
the whole to ever evolve.  It is all one
great web).