Count your fingers and your toes.  You are used to a certain number.  For this reason, when something happens that is of a low occurrence, you say, “I can count that on my fingers and toes,” and this has meaning for you.  But what of the extraordinary?  What of those things that are so beyond your ken that you could not possibly count the occurrences or understand the enormity?  This is when you must have faith.  This is when you must trust the heart.

Do you know how many grains of sand are on a beach?  Do you know how many stars are in the sky?  Do you know how many souls are in existence?  The answer is one.  And it divides itself like cell mitosis into as many beings as are necessary to experience diversity:  joy, sorrows, and even pain that results from diversifying, but not deliberate pain — the pain that naturally results from separating from the oneness.  Naturally results.  This is important to understand.

In diversifying, the One does not say, I will deliberately seek out pain, but I know it is inherent in diversification, for when there are two fingers or ten, there is bound to be conflict and misunderstanding, but ultimately, those fingers and toes connect back to the heart.  Enjoy the diversity of life, and may you see your fingers and toes in a completely new light on this day.