The human side of you, as opposed to the soul, does not like to lose control.  Ego loves to control things.  But when do you truly ever control life?  Life is so much greater than you are, and is not the word great a desirable trait?  As you come to remember that you are part of a greater reality, a greater flow, a greater intelligence, you begin to trust and loosen the reins a bit.  Only then do you begin to experience miracles on a regular basis and not just sporadically.  The sporadic treats keep you going, but oh, those signs that you are finally, truly trusting and listening to the inner guidance!   This is truly great.  When you seek human greatness, you try to control and you fail more often than you, the human, would like.  When you let the greatness that cares not a whit about power, yet is the power that fuels universes, flow as it will through you, this is greatness beyond human knowing. 

You are so very loved.
