Fear is an integral part of the human experience—a great
learning tool as well as a survival mechanism. 
It is hard-wired into your system in the fight or flight response.  Do not disdain fear, but appreciate it.  But when there is no need or ability to flee,
examine which of your fears are truly necessary.  Your survival, when you see with the eyes of
the soul, is assured.

There is no death. 
From this perspective, there is no need to fear anything.  It is only those who remain fixed in
human-ego consciousness who live with fear as a partner.  Those who know the truths of the spirit may
still respond with fight or flight in the moment of human “beingness,” but upon
remembering who they are eternally, make the simplest shift of awareness, and
move beyond the fear to the heart.  Here
peace prevails in the eternal awareness that there is only one Power, and that
Power is Love. 

You are That. 
You come from That and live to express That.  Fear is a beautiful reminder that you live
for a while now in two worlds and can choose where you place your focus:  on human or spirit, fear or love.