To dream the impossible dream … Yes, songs and
movies have been written from this phrase. 
Lives have been rewritten as a result of it.  So many fail to dream, and those who do,
dream only of possible things.  How your
world would expand if you knew that anything is possible.  You are a creative being born in the image
and likeness of the Creator.  Does this
mean your Creator has two eyes, legs, and hands?  Or does it mean the Creator is Consciousness
from which all that is—including you—has arisen?

Think of the impossibility that of the billions of
beings who could have arisen from the union of billions of beings and cells YOU
are here. 

Anything is possible when you dream big enough, but
does it serve the greater good?  Is there
a greater purpose in it?  Ah, yes, there’s
the rub.  Put the two together—impossible
dreams and greater purpose—and you have the keys to creation.