When you wish to know how best to change your behavior, ask Higher Consciousness.  There is no need to do so from an inferior-superior standpoint.  You are an expression of the Source, albeit without the big picture at times.  How else to see your relationship with the Higher Self?  How about as stage actor and director?  Of course, there is still a bit of a leadership or mentor-like feel to this Director, but you can now humbly ask for direction as to the best way to carry out your role for the good of the whole drama in which you are involved.  The Director has only been waiting to be asked and most definitely has your best interests in Mind.  And at the risk of confusing you, may we remind you that you do have your instances when the Director steps onto the stage and plays a role as well, do you not?  Which one of the actors is He/She? Or could it be the entire cast?