Your thoughts are far more powerful than you are aware.  Form follows thought.  There may be a delay in seeing the results of your thoughts, but you have CHOSEN to live in the realm of time delay for the lessons this delay affords you.  Look around you.  What challenges do you face?  How do you perceive them?  Are they insurmountable OMG-why-is-this-happening-to-me problems or are they opportunities to create fresh new results with your thoughts? If the former, you will continue to suffer.  If the latter, you will come to know what it means to be a miracle worker.

You need no outside angel to create miracles. You have all that you need in the mind, which is merely an extension of the One Mind of Divine Intelligence and Love. If that extended mind has gone off on a little journey, visualize that explorer turning back to the state of peace from which it wandered off for a while.  Intend that all thoughts be inspired by the highest Source and see how things turn around for you.  You are so very loved.  Begin with this thought, miracle worker.