What happens when, to use one of your phrases, you wall yourself off? You literally erect an energetic barrier. These do not always come down by themselves. If you are feeling out of sorts, irritable, or not yourself, think back to when you might have been at odds with another, had a scare, been in a crowd, or experienced any other situation in which you encountered vibrations different from your own. In the human experience, you often bathe in vibrations that are opposite your true nature. Walls become higher and thicker over time. How to overcome this? Be aware. Clear your energy field frequently. Think higher thoughts regularly. Notice the difference when you do so, and you can take positive control of your experiences. You are so very loved.

Note from Suzanne: My “Ten Minute Transformation” recording is an excellent tool to clear your energetic field. I use it regularly! Go to this page and scroll down: https://awakenedway.suzannegiesemann.com/meditations-2/