For each human living on earth, there is a different set of beliefs. Some you can categorize based upon a commonality. Others are far more varied. You have your so-called free-thinkers and then your groups who are most comfortable being told what to believe. It is all a matter of following the push inside until one finds one’s comfort zone. Some will never move beyond the state where they fit into a comfortable large group. Others are comfortable thinking thoughts which no other person on earth would believe. Is this not part of the fun? Remember: God is at play here … experimenting how it feels to experience life in this way and that.

All threads of varying color add to the grand tapestry. Will you be a purple thread in a sea of blue, or one of many red strands in a candy-cane that sits within a well-planned design? It matters not, as long as you find peace, for eventually you will find that no matter what your beliefs, there is only One Mind having the thoughts in the first place.