nails-1420329_640When two deaths come in rapid succession, is it a coincidence?  What do you think?  Now, what do you FEEL?  Can you feel the hand of Spirit at work here?  You are aware now of two celebrities, mother and daughter, who have died by so-called natural causes.  Was the mother’s heart broken and so she followed her daughter’s impaired heart event?  Or could this be a beautiful drama played out by the souls of two actresses with perfection on the stage of life so that the world questions mortality?  How many millions are now saying, “Oh, they are together now!” thinking of the afterlife, reinforcing hope that there is more.  And they are right.

Why does this not happen more often when hearts are broken by a passing?  For each soul is on its own journey.  Each soul’s passing from its mortal existence serves a unique purpose for the self and those around it.  See the purpose in each beautiful transition.  Beautiful?  Yes.  What is death to you is re-birth across the veil and is celebrated by souls who have passed before as a welcome Home.  Even when you cannot see the beauty, it is there, for Love underlies all that is.