chainlink-690503_640When someone has harmed you—be it physically or emotionally, or only in your mind—that may become all you see.  They become the embodiment of your pain, to the point that you see them and all of your fears, anger, and human emotions flood your mind.  This other one now holds you prisoner.  You are trapped in your humanity.  This is why one claims, “I am free!” when they remember that the human dramas are but one aspect of the wholeness.  Were your human side and the human side of that other the only aspects of you, then yes, there would be reason to feel hopeless, but both of you are projections of the one mind, of the Light.  Yes, of Love, but the human side has been allowed to play such a dominant role that all you see is the darkness.

If you cannot see the Light within the other, then seek it first within your own self and with this intention, the rest will follow.  Or would you rather remain in prison?  The choice is yours alone.  Yours, Love, no matter what the other has done.

You are so very loved.  Is that not what all wish to remember?