A cough is a natural way of ridding the body of an irritation. The muscles tense, and in a burst of air, the lungs, throat, and mouth are cleared. Through meditation and visualization you can do the same with your energy body. This is most helpful in clearing feelings of malaise and mental irritation which do gather first as lower vibration in the energetic field surrounding the body. These lower vibrations often manifest later as dis-ease within the physical body.

Sit regularly in the silence. Quiet the mind and body through deep breathing. When in a calm state, breathe in light through the crown chakra. Pull this divine healing energy down through the body, seeing it clear the energy field of all irritants as it does flow through you. If you feel especially clogged, take in a deep “breath” of this energy from both the sky and the earth. In tune with your physical breath, exhale forcefully, sending all dis-ease and lower vibration out and away from your field, leaving you fully balanced.

Do this regularly and maintain a greater sense of peace as well as good health. In this way, cleansing breaths of spirit-energy keep the need to cough at bay.