In school you have your various grades or levels.  In each one you know there are levels of learning yet to be had, yet still you have your days when you think you know it all.  And so it is with life.  You think you have figured out this spiritual path, yet you continue to learn about these things called ego and limitless nature.  You have glimpses of eternity.  You have reminders that ego is still in charge.  What to do?  Remain the eternal student, but continue to play and explore and appreciate and love.  Oh yes, above all else, love yourself and all others with all your heart until you finally finally finally realize there is no other, just consciousness having fun paying roles.  One day, the players will stop co-opting the roles and remember this Truth, and then Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love, will become the name of all cities, and all will live up to their name.