How often do you look for feedback from another,
for verbal confirmation that you have done well, look good, sound good, are
good, and so forth?  From where comes
this insecurity, this need for confirmation and approval?  It is a tool of the separate self that looks
around and compares, that innately feels lesser, unsure, and insecure.

The real you is naught but Love, born of Spirit, a
carrier wave of the Power that birthed you and breathes you.  As you become more aware of ego’s choke hold
on you, set aside your insecurities and step into your real power.  This does not involve boasting or over-confidence.  Those are also of ego.  This entails a quiet gratitude that allows
you to breathe more freely and to see things around you which you had not
noticed before in your restricted, self-focused state.  Look around you today and see the Beauty.  You are part of That, so you can relax now.