What happens when you awaken from a so-called bad dream?  You are out of sorts for a while.  You know the peaceful, pleasant, more balanced aspect of yourself is “in there somewhere,” but you cannot shake the uneasy remnants of the dream.  This is what it is like for some who awaken to discover they have left the body behind in the dream known as Earth School.  They realize they just woke up, yet they cannot shake their focus on the dream.  Images of it continue to play in the mind, some good, some not so pleasant.  They have one foot still in the dream and no more feet at all in the new reality.  This is not a bad thing.  It is a transitional period, which may last seconds in your time or years.  How long you hold onto the dream is a choice, whether in the lucid dream you call this physical life or whether “on the other side”, awakened from this dream.  Carry on.  It is all a play of Consciousness, useful for the growth of the soul, as real as you wish to make it, as long as you are learning, growing, and loving.