peacock-plumage-bird-peafowl-45911Shame can be debilitating.  A thing happens to you or you do something that in your human mind is cause for embarrassment and judgment by others.  You or others label yourself “less than” or unworthy.  And from that moment on you heap shame upon yourself.  Many of you can physically see the results in the face and body.  And what does this bring you, but more shame?  Can you see how all of this is a human device?  There is not a bit of the soul at play here, for in feeling shame and identifying with the cause of it as the only aspect of you, you have shut out the very heart of you:  the soul.

Wake up!  We say this with the utmost of love and with the desire that you wake up and realize that before the so-called shameful acts and oh, yes, every moment thereafter, you are fully and completely a beautiful soul.  Some day you will pass from the body and see how you allowed your human beliefs to stuff down the eternal and most loving aspect of you.  You need not wait that long to awaken.

The soul cares not what you or others have done.  The soul simply adores you, loves you to pieces, and judges you not.  It understands.  It feels your pain and has compassion for you, the misguided human—misguided only when separated in awareness from the soul.

Step into the power of the soul.  That is the real you.  When you do that, you need no longer carry around the badge or baggage of shame.  You have learned from your thoughts, now shift them completely and yes, wake up, stand up, and shine, beautiful soul.