Knowing and flowing.  What does it mean?  You are no longer trying to figure everything out. Information, insights, and guidance come to you effortlessly.  Is that not the goal?  The goal of what?  Of the being who is tired of working so hard, of constantly doing.  If this sounds familiar to you and you share the same goal, how do you get to this place of knowing and flowing?  Continue flowing.  Pay attention to when you are trying, frustrated, out of sorts, tired … then surrender all of that and simply be.  Flow with the sadness and the gladness.  Flow with the ups and downs and be with being.  The knowing will come in this surrendered I-can’t-do-it-anymore state.  Is that defeat? On the contrary.  There is no winning and losing in surrender.  There is only arriving back to the point where it all started, and in this there is great knowing.  Welcome here.