cells-1872666_640You read your news or study situations around the world and you grow discouraged.  “Am I deluding myself with this spiritual philosophy about a loving universe where all is in perfect order?”  We wish you to take our past bubble analogy and use it now to describe your personal world of culture, family, friends, and work.  That is your assigned bubble where you do the best you can to bring health, like a cell in a greater body.

Does the cell of one organ worry about the cell of another organ?  There may be awareness that parts and systems in other regions of the body are not well, but with an awareness of the oneness of the body, each cell continues doing its part within its assigned system.  It knows that the more healthy its own area, the greater the overall health of the body.

Yes, of course, you as humans can reach out and help other systems in the body of humanity and the family of creatures on the body of Mother Earth and your earth mother, herself.  But when the awareness of the many ailing systems threatens to overwhelm you, may our simple analogy help you to know that even working on raising your own vibration serves the Whole.