Why do you bristle when another tells you what to do?  That would mean letting go of what you think is the
correct thought or action.  Perhaps it is
correct or appropriate, but perhaps there are other ways of thinking or
behaving.  Trying out those other ways
would require change.  If you bristle,
that is a sign.  Can you
smile when another tells you what to do and indeed “lighten up?”  What would it hurt you to try something new
or a new attitude?  Ah!  Then you might have to admit that your way
was not accepted.  Do not use words “right”
or “wrong,” for these are changeable beliefs as well.  What you really wish for is that you may be
allowed to do and think what you want. 
You always may do so, but others may not agree.  Learning to go with the flow and not bristle
when others disagree with your stance is part of your task.