“But I don’t have time!” you say in frustration, and yet, in human form, you do have time.  Use it as the opportunity that it is to see the results of your intentions unfolding, playing out.  Why is it you feel you do not have time?  As people come to you, there is a reason.  Take the time to interact.  Take the time to notice why they are in your life, in your awareness.  Set aside for just a while the things that you want to do and listen to the inner voice.  We are not saying that you forsake your own needs and give only to others, but find that sweet spot, that balance.  Time, like money, is a necessary tool in your world.  They are not enemies, but part and parcel of being human.  While you are both human and soul, mine time for the gifts it has to offer you.  You DO have time.  Use it wisely.