Interdependence … this applies to you more than you know.  It
becomes so easy to think you can survive on your own, but do not let that
thought overtake your purpose (to be the presence of Love).  Were it not
for your parents, you would not be here.  Were it not for the food
supplied to you, you would not be here.  Were it not for the trees and
plants which give you oxygen, you would not be here.  Were it not for the
very Source that gives you breath, you would not be here, and yet you think you
are the center of the Universe.

We hope that you will look about you and see that the concept of
being alone and independent is an illusion.  There is nothing wrong in
being dependent on another.  You are dependent on All That Is, and is that
so bad?  Rejoice in your interdependence.  Celebrate it, for without
it, you would not exist.