Hello, my dear friends!  Yesterday I sent out an email that I am going to start teaching mediumship, begininng with a two day introductory course in The Villages, Florida and St. Louis, Missouri.  The response was unexpectedly overwhelming and both classes filled immediately.  If you have ever tried to sign up for a place in line on a Southwest Airlines flight, it was just like that.  It appears people had to hit the button within minutes of the email being sent or they didn’t get in the “A” line.  I have received emails expressing people’s frustration, and I understand this.  Isn’t it interesting how people see things differently?  I see this as an overwhelming sign that people are HUNGRY to learn how to communicate with spirit!   I say, “Thank you for this opportunity to serve.  Please show me how I can accommodate all these people who signed up so quickly and in far more numbers than I ever anticipated!  Please grant patience and understanding to those who did not get in.”
And so, I am doing my best to add more dates and to get them online as quickly as possible, maintaining a loving heart and understanding as people express their frustration.  Bev and I are working to add classes in FL, MO, AZ, CO, and NC.  As each is ready to take registrations we will post them on my calendar of events and on a new “Classes” page on my website (with a link from the home page).
It’s all about love.  That’s the only thing that matters.  With love to all, Suzanne