Monthly Archives: May 2014

Trust, then Fly

2014-05-09T12:17:00-04:00May 9th, 2014|

Whispers on the wind.  Voices so subtle you are not sure you heard them.  And then you follow the promptings and magic occurs.  This is how you learn to trust the voice.  You always have a choice.  When you choose to ignore the voice, life goes on, but perhaps you [...]

Filled with Love

2014-05-08T12:12:00-04:00May 8th, 2014|

What if there were no love in this world?  Can you picture your planet Mars?  It is still a living planet, beautiful in its own way, but blighted by a lack of vibrant presence.  You have your cities like that.  You call this “urban blight.”  They are places where those [...]

Still Whole

2014-05-07T11:37:00-04:00May 7th, 2014|

What causes an earthquake but a shifting of energy.  Your earth is a living being with a heart all its own.  Change results, but not always without disruption.  Does this not sound familiar?  Change is not always peaceful at the human level of awareness.  Step into the rocket ship of [...]

The Presence

2014-05-06T12:38:00-04:00May 6th, 2014|

Crying can become a habit.  The body becomes addicted to the chemicals created when you are grieving.  Yes, crying is cathartic and cleansing, but after you have released, it is time to renew.  Maintain awareness of your feelings.  Do you wish to return to happier days?  It is this focus [...]

With Impeccable Timing

2014-05-06T01:32:00-04:00May 6th, 2014|

It’s incredible what happens when we trust our unseen helpers in spirit.  I was invited to give the message (aka the “sermon”) at the Sunday service at Unity of Mills River yesterday.  In the past, when asked to give a talk, the former Navy officer in me would write out [...]

The Gift of You

2014-05-05T11:42:00-04:00May 5th, 2014|

“Good morning!” said with a cheery smile to a stranger can save a life.  So many of you feel cut off from each other, and you are, but only in a physical sense.  How simple it is to reconnect.  What a gift you are to each other, yet you withhold [...]

Being Your Self

2014-05-04T11:42:00-04:00May 4th, 2014|

Wherever you go, there I AM.  Such comforting words.  Who or what is this I AM?  The Source of your very being.  Do you notice that last word?  Being.  It is who and what you are:  existence in its purest form whether or not you have a physical body.  You [...]

A Sacred Journey

2014-05-04T01:01:00-04:00May 4th, 2014|

This is our most unique “campsite” yet – parked directly alongside a labyrinth on the peaceful property of Unity of Mills River in the Blue Ridge Mountains near Asheville, North Carolina.  I love labyrinths – a meditative tool used for introspection and transformation.  Walking slowly toward the center is a [...]


2014-05-03T11:48:00-04:00May 3rd, 2014|

Had you any idea how much your subconscious thoughts control your emotions and actions, you might change your ways.  Ah, but there is the challenge.  To change your ways, you must take conscious control of your thoughts.  Reprogramming less than helpful thoughts takes deliberate intent and focused attention.  How easily [...]

Lesson Learned

2014-05-03T02:25:00-04:00May 3rd, 2014|

I must admit to waking up this morning feeling pretty depleted after two evening presentations in a row and several hundred miles on the road.  My morning meditation helped, but by lunch time I was actually feeling worse than when I awoke.  I felt nauseous and scattered.  I am usually [...]

Awakening …

2014-05-02T12:02:00-04:00May 2nd, 2014|

More eyes opened to a greater reality last night at Unity of Wilmington, NC!  It's so awesome when people come up to me and say, "I was SUPPOSED to hear this!"  What a wonderful crowd.  Just like in Greenville, thanks for all the love.  Social events for breakfast, lunch, and dinner [...]


2014-05-02T11:52:00-04:00May 2nd, 2014|

You see a friend or family member you have not seen in a long time and you both immediately revert to your old programming.  Are you the same person you were when you last shared the same space?  No, you have grown and so has the other, but do you [...]

At Home Anywhere

2014-05-01T10:36:00-04:00May 1st, 2014|

Why do babies cry?  The moment they enter the world they express their discomfort in audible ways.  Their distress is written on their face.  You joke that they are saying, “What have I done?” and this is not far from the truth.  What is it that calms them down?  When [...]

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