I must admit to waking up this morning feeling pretty depleted after two evening presentations in a row and several hundred miles on the road.  My morning meditation helped, but by lunch time I was actually feeling worse than when I awoke.  I felt nauseous and scattered.  I am usually upbeat and healthy, but today I felt BAD.  Ty and I were in the car on our way to a scheduled luncheon date, and I was thinking perhaps I should have cancelled and gone to bed.  Then I clearly heard the words, “Take a dose of your own medicine.”  I knew that my guides were telling me to do the Ten Minute Transformation energy balancing exercise that I provide as a free download on my website.

Ty was driving, so I told him I was going to close my eyes and do the meditation.  I have the recording on my iPhone, so I popped in a pair of headphones and closed my eyes.  With the intention of being “re-energized and rejuvenated” as the words state, I started to feel a tiny bit better after clearing the first and second chakras.  When I got to the third chakra, big surprise:  it wasn’t blocked.  It was wide open … as in WAY TOO FAR open.  I used not just my mind but both hands to bring the energy back in, and the change was immediate.  The nausea instantly disappeared.  I finished the meditation, feeling progressively more peaceful as I went through each of the remaining chakras.

At the end of the ten minutes, I was still tired, but I felt completely grounded and emotionally well.  I recalled the same thing happening in the past after an event, but I had forgotten what I learned at that time:  chakras don’t just get blocked and slow down.  They can also become over-stimulated.  In either case, they are not balanced, and the result manifests as physical and emotional imbalance.

What a lesson in how important it is to be aware of what we are feeling.  It is amazing how much of what ails us we can control and even cure by working with our own energy.  Here’s to conscious living and taking loving care of ourselves and each other!  And with that, I’m going to bed and set the intention of getting a good night’s sleep.