When you gaze at the ocean, what do you feel? Are you drawn in by the beauty, the vastness, the power, the majesty? You could sit and stare for hours, could you not? Do you not realize that the same Source that created the ocean created you? What were the building blocks of the ocean and the mountains, the stars, and you? Impulses of love. How could it have been anything else but love?
Have you yet found a drop of water in the ocean that was anything less than the entire ocean? Is not the same essence of majesty held in one drop as in the entire sea? You are of that self-same essence of love—created by Love simply to know yourself as That. Yes, sit and stare at the ocean, then arise, wade in, and look down. There you will see reflected your Self. Soak it up. Stand there with the waves of love lapping at your feet until you finally realize that you are the very ocean in which you stand.