Expectations are a funny thing. 
You can expect to have them, but when others are involved, you cannot expect them to always be
fulfilled, can you?  Expectations rely
upon the future, which does not exist. 
Expectations are dependent upon choices, and man has free will.  Therein lies the challenge.  Can you expect another to do as you
wish?  Can you expect another to feel and
think as you do?  Of course not.  You have experienced over and over in the
course of your human lifetime how others think and act differently from the way
you do, yet you expect them to do otherwise. 
Do you see then why your frustration arises?  Do you see then how expectations set you up
for less than peaceful circumstances? 
What if you were to set aside your expectations and “let it
be?”  What if you were to only make
choices for yourself and allow life to play out as the play of consciousness
that it is?  Why then, you might just
find a bit more peace and be able to send even more love to those around you
who are doing the best they can based upon their current path.  What more could you expect?